104 / COATED ABRASIVES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA CONVOLUTE WHEELS FOR BENCH & PEDESTAL GRINDERS FLEXFINISH LONG LIFE • Best choice for deburring, blending, and finishing on all materials including metals, wood, glass on a bench grinder • Smear and heat resistant so will not contaminate the workpiece in light deburring applications. • Wheels of 8 & 9 have a higher density, those with 7 have a more open construction DIA (mm) GRADE CAP CODE DENSITY PK QTY ART NO. 150 x 25 x 25 Fine C4408 8 1 63642588971 Fine C4408 9 1 63642588982* Medium C4308 7 1 63642588989 200 x 25 x 76 Fine C4408 7 1 63642588981* 200 x 50 x 76 Fine C4408 7 1 63642589832* Fine C4408 8 1 63642588958* * Made-to-order COATED ABRASIVES