136 / COATED ABRASIVES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA SPEEDOFLEX SX373 DIA (mm) GRIT PK QTY ART NO. 100 x 915 60 10 63642585979 80 10 63642585980 100 10 63642585984 120 10 63642585986 75 x 2000 36 10 63642586052 40 10 63642586053 60 10 63642586056 80 10 63642586059 120 10 63642586060 180 10 63642586062 150 x 2000 36 10 63642593043* 40 10 69957332736 60 10 63642588378* 80 10 63642595089* 120 10 66261052650* • Aluminium oxide abrasive for good cut rate on metal and hard wood • Heavy polyester backing supports agressive material removal NARROW BELTS FOR BACKSTAND MACHINES FILE BELTS MADE-TO-ORDER AVAILABILITY PORTABLE BELTS CAP CODE GRAIN/GRIT 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 Mega-Line SY798 Ceramic, Y-polyster supersize Industrial Line SY699 Norzon, Y-polyester Speedoflex MX240 Aluminium oxide, X-polycotton CAP CODE GRAIN/GRIT 36 40 60 80 100 120 150 Speedoflex T33X Aluminium oxide, X-cloth DIMENSIONS (mm) D X B MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY All file belts 200 pieces DIMENSIONS (mm) D X B MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY All sizes 100 pieces PRO TIP File belts can be run in both directions. Allow belts to run for at least 3 seconds before applying to the workpiece. * Made-to-order COATED ABRASIVES