160 / CARBIDE BURRS & WIRE BRUSHES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA TWIST KNOTTED WHEEL BRUSHES • For brushing out welded joints and sharp corners • Removes rust and smoothing low-grade and non-alloy steels • Stainless steel wire for brushing clean and grinding chrome-nickel steels, including stainless steels WIRE DIA (mm) DxB L (mm) BORE A (mm) PK QTY ART NO. STEEL 0,35 115 x 11 T23 22,2 1 7660739555 125 x 13 T28 22,2 1 7660739556 115 x 11 T23 M14 1 7660739559 125 x 13 T28 M14 1 7660739557 0,50 115 x 11 T23 22,2 1 7660739566 125 x 13 T28 22,2 1 7660739567 150 x 13 T34 22,2 1 7660739569 115 x 11 T23 M14 1 7660739565 125 x 13 T28 M14 1 7660739568 STAINLESS STEEL 0,50 115 x 11 T23 22,2 1 7660739580 125 x 13 T28 22,2 1 66261071591 WIRE BRUSHES FOR ANGLE GRINDERS PIPELINE HD-HIGH PERFROMANCE TWIST KNOTTED WHEEL BRUSHES • Pipes welding (gas, oil pipelines) requires no cracks on it. • To be sure is necessary add weld layers. Each additional weld layer generates a scale on the welding that should be brushed off without getting rid of the material from the previous layer. Our Pipeline wire brushes are specially design for it. WIRE DIA (mm) DxB L (mm) BORE A (mm) PK QTY ART NO. STEEL 0,50 125 x 6 T23 22,2 1 78072755544 STAINLESS STEEL 0,50 125 x 6 T23 22,2 1 78072755546 TWIST KNOTTED WHEEL BRUSHES WIRE DIA (mm) DxB L (mm) BORE A (mm) PK QTY ART NO. STEEL 0,50 115 x 11 T23 22,2 1 78072755549 125 x 13 T28 22,2 1 78072755550 STAINLESS STEEL 0,50 115 x 11 T23 22,2 1 78072755551 CARBIDE BURRS & WIRE BRUSHES