178 / DIAMOND BLADES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA iHD™ TECHNOLOGY INFILTRATED HIGH DENSITY DIAMOND BLADES Flexovit Infiltrated High Density technology (iHD) combined with its patented diamond blades laser-welding process is the biggest breakthrough in diamond tools this century. Through many years of research and development this revolutionary process offers our customers with unrivalled performance, increased safety, lower energy manufacturing and a wider choice of segment design. Infiltration achieves high uniform density across each whole segment without applying high pressure (like the standard process). This allows us to manufacture very robust segments which wear evenly, remain intact and perform faster at higher cutting speeds. The diamond grit is an integral part of the segment structure. During the patented process a special bond impregnates the core structure and binds the diamond grit into the segment. This ensures optimum use of the diamond grit, giving the diamond tools a longer life. The optimised process also means increased segment design flexibility resulting in greater diversification of diamond blade shapes to best suit applications and materials to be cut. iHD iHD Standard EN13236 Requirement RELATIVE SPEED COMPARISON GRANITE CONCRETE 125mm 10mmHIGH SEGMENT 350mm 10mmHIGH SEGMENT MIN TORQUE RESISTANCE COMPARISON N/mm2 20% FASTER 1,24 1645 1,32 1308 1,00 1020 1,00 607 30% FASTER IMPROVED SAFETY - OVER 60% BETTER TORQUE RESISTANCE MEGA-LINE SILENT MAXX & INDUSTRIAL LINE SILENT BLADES Local regulations often prevent excessive noise in residential areas, city centres, schools and hospitals, where residents are extremely sensitive to environmental disturbances. That is why it is vital to find alternative tools that can help to reduce noise when working in these environments. With up to 17mm high segments and a bespoke specification for each application, Flexovit Mega-Line Silent Maxx is our most efficient diamond blade for granite, concrete and general purpose materials, while protecting the surrounding area from disturbing cutting noise. SEE PAGES 177 & 179 FOR PRODUCT DETAILS Conventional blades 230mm 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Industrial Line Silent 230mm NOISE LEVEL COMPARED TO A CONVENTIONAL BLADE (NOT SILENT) Mega-Line Silent Maxx 230mm 112,7 dB (A) 107,6 dB (A) -3x -13x 101,5 dB (A) NOISE REDUCTION PRODUCT INNOVATIONS DIAMOND BLADE INNOVATIONS & NEW TECHNOLOGIES DIAMOND BLADES