4 / INTRODUCTION With unparalleled abrasive technology, our wide range of products and solutions meet every individual need and requirement whether you’re cutting, grinding, sharpening, blending, finishing or polishing, in any market. INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE Weld prep, grinding, deburring, rust removal & clean-up are vital in maintaining quality parts, Flexovit offers performance solutions for every application. TANKS & CONTAINERS Flexovit holds expertise in abrasive applications in the manufacture and assembly of steel and stainless steel tanks for food and chemicals. RAIL Flexovit offers a range of affordable, user friendly abrasive solutions for any application in the maintenance and repair of rail tracks. BUILDING & HARDWARE A range of diamond blades, cutting & grinding wheels and sanding products for the most demanding professionals within the building & hardware markets. AERO STRUCTURES Increase production & reduce cost in the production of landing gear cases, wing structures, reactor structures, auxiliary fins and fuselage structures. BOILERS & PIPING High performance abrasives for the construction & mounting of metal sheets and pipes on industrial sites. ENERGY Flexovit offers a range of high performance industrial abrasive solutions for manufacture and repair operations found in traditional energy industries. MARINE Whether repairing or just caring for your investment, Flexovit offers abrasives which help to create a perfect surface finish on boats, ships & yachts. METAL FABRICATION Performance abrasives for use in the manufacture of doors, gates, fences, shutters, garage doors, metal frames for industrial equipment, pre-fabricated metal sheets, frameworks and scaffolding. SHIPYARD Trust Flexovit to perform in the toughest environments for building civilian & warships, and the maintenance and repair of small and large vessels. FOUNDRY Abrasive solutions for heavy grinding, deburring, removal of cracks, shaping and gate removal for parts found in the aerospace, medical and general engineering markets. MARKET SOLUTIONS