50 / CUTTING DISCS & GRINDING WHEELS www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA All cutting-off and grinding wheels are breakable and it is imperative that users take the appropriate precautions. Abrasive wheels that are damaged, improperly mounted or improperly used are dangerous and can cause serious injuries to any person in the vicinity. This section contains a summary of the most important precautions. Further safety recommendations can be found in the country laws, decrees and technical standards in the FEPA safety code (Federation of European Producers of Abrasives, www.fepa-abrasives.org). WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF GRINDING WHEEL VERSUS FLAP DISCS & FIBER DISCS FOR MATERIAL REMOVAL? 1 Grinding wheels will withstand more power and are more robust in use 2 Grinding wheels can be used on all sides, so you can use the full wheel 3 Grinding wheels are easy to mount, no backing pads, velcro etc. are needed 4 Grinding wheels, and especially combination discs (4,2mm) and Light Comfort grinding (LCG) discs (3,0) can easily be applied in corners, grooves and on sharp edges without damaging the wheel 5 Grinding wheels, and specifically combination discs (4,2mm) and Light Comfort Grinidng discs are are very light and comfortable to use Type 27 Type 41 Type 42 SELECTION OF THE WHEEL Carefully read the label or the information on the wheel and make sure that the wheel is suitable for the application and has the correct dimensions. Check that the max. rpm of the machine spindle on which you will mount the wheel never exceeds the max. rpm printed on the wheel label. Follow any restriction of use and any specific instruction which may be indicated on the wheel or on attached documents. INSPECTION & TEST BEFORE MOUNTING Make sure that the instructions on the wheel and on the machine are compatible. VISUAL INSPECTION Carefully inspect the abrasive wheel: if it is damaged in any way do not use. SAFETY EQUIPMENT Before starting the cutting-off or grinding operation, the wheel guard must be in position and fixed securely. The wheel guard must be capable of catching broken wheel fragments effectively and capable of withstanding the impact caused by wheel breakage. MOUNTING OF THE GRINDING WHEEL & USE OF THE MOUNTING DEVICES Only mount the wheels on machines designed for the operation. Never use force when mounting. Always use the mounting flanges supplied with the machine and ensure they are clean, never modify them in any way. SAFETY ADVICE SAFETY IN THE STORAGE & USE OF CUTTING DISCS & GRINDING WHEELS CUTTING DISCS & GRINDING WHEELS