64 / COATED ABRASIVES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA FLAP DISC FOR ANGLE GRINDERS NEW MEGA LINE BLUE R860 DIM DxB (mm) GRIT PK QTY ART NO. 115 x 22 40 10 78072747900 60 10 78072747908 80 10 78072747910 120 10 78072747911 125 x 22 40 10 78072747912 60 10 78072747914 80 10 78072747925 120 10 78072747927 125 x 22 40 10 78072747978 60 10 78072747979 150x22 40 10 78072747983 60 10 78072747984 80 10 78072748019 180x22 60 10 78072747980 80 10 78072747981 • Sharp zirconia grain for a faster cut from the very beginning • Tough polyester backing for excellent product life and more material removal with one disc • Ideal on medium to high pressure applications on carbon steel and hard metals TRY IT OUT! NEW INDUSTRIAL LINE HEAVY DUTY DIM DxB (mm) GRIT PK QTY ART NO. 115 x 22 40 10 66261162940 60 10 66261162941 80 10 69957365266 120 10 69957365386 125 x 22 40 10 66261162944 60 10 66261168639 80 10 66261168640 120 10 69957365387 125 x 22 40 10 66261163708* 60 10 63642589838* • Tough zirconia grain that stays sharp even during heavy duty applications • Self-sharpening grain means longer disc life and more grinding with one disc, reducing overall abrasive cost • Strong polycotton backing for demanding applications with medium pressure use • Ideal for cool grinding on carbon steel or stainless steel * With reduced backing plate COATED ABRASIVES