72 / COATED ABRASIVES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA • The life of the aluminium oxide grain is extended by the flap construction, get more use from one disc in blending jobs • Reduces heat build up and smearing, eliminating the need for rework • Ideal for cleaning, light deburring, and processing TIG weld seams SPEEDOFLEX SURFACE BLENDING FLAP DISCS DIA (x Hole) (mm) GRADE ABRASIVE COLOUR CAP CODE PK QTY ART NO. 115 x 22 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 10 69957310421 Medium Alox Red S2308 10 69957310427 Fine Alox Green S2408 10 69957310501 Very fine Alox Blue S2508 10 69957310504 125 x 22 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 10 69957310506 Medium Alox Red S2308 10 69957310507 Fine Alox Green S2408 10 69957310508 Very fine Alox Blue S2508 10 69957310512 NON-WOVEN DEPRESSED CENTRE DISCS FOR ANGLE GRINDERS COATED ABRASIVES