COATED ABRASIVES / 83 SURFACE BLENDING SL2 • Aluminium oxide grain and woven fibres for blending, finishing, cleaning and light deburring • For more delicate or polishing applications, select the super fine silicon carbide disc DIA (mm) GRADE ABRASIVE COLOUR CAP CODE MAX RPM PK QTY ART NO. 50 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 23000 50 63642562112 Medium Alox Red S2308 23000 50 63642562113* Very fine Alox Blue S2508 23000 50 63642562116 Super fine SIC Grey S4713 23000 50 63642587660* 75 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 18000 50 63642556177 Medium Alox Red S2308 18000 50 63642556176* Very fine Alox Blue S2508 18000 50 63642556175* Super fine SIC Grey S4713 18000 50 63642587665* SURFACE BLENDING SL3 • General purpose product for blending, finishing, cleaning, and light deburring • Variety of grades enables various finish options DIA (mm) GRADE ABRASIVE COLOUR CAP CODE MAX RPM PK QTY ART NO. 50 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 23000 50 63642562110 Medium Alox Red S2308 23000 50 63642562114 Very fine Alox Blue S2508 23000 50 63642562115 Super fine SIC Grey S4713 23000 50 63642586187* 75 Coarse Alox Tan S2208 18000 50 63642562119 Medium Alox Red S2308 18000 50 63642562121 Very fine Alox Blue S2508 18000 50 63642562123 Super fine SIC Grey S4713 18000 50 63642586191 INDUSTRIAL LINE SURFACE BLENDING DISCS SL3 DIA (mm) GRADE ABRASIVE COLOUR CAP CODE MAX RPM PK QTY ART NO. 50 Coarse Alox Tan S2203 23000 50 69957314715 Medium Alox Red S2303 23000 50 69957318189 Fine Alox Green S2403 23000 50 69957314716 Very fine Alox Blue S2503 23000 50 69957314718 75 Coarse Alox Tan S2203 18000 50 69957314719 Medium Alox Red S2303 18000 50 69957314720 Fine Alox Green S2403 18000 50 69957314721 Very fine Alox Blue S2503 18000 50 69957314722 • Proprietary engineered aluminum oxide abrasive grain and coating method combine for maximum cutting speed • Provides consistent finish of finer grits to reduce process time by +50% as multiple grit sequences can be achieved in one step • Higher material removal, longer life and consistent, smear-free finishing in cleaning & conditioning jobs, even on alloys with high nickel content * Made-to-order COATED ABRASIVES