43 DISQUES DIAMANT POUR MATÉRIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION À USAGE GÉNÉRAL www.nortonabrasives.com/fr-fr MACHINES Ø (mm) ALÉSAGE (mm) SEGMENT H/E (mm) RÉFÉRENCE EAN 13 115 22,23 2,8 70184694459 5450248687894 125 22,23 2,8 70184694460 5450248687900 180 22,23 2,8 70184694461 5450248687917 230 22,23 3,1 70184694462 5450248687924 300 20 3,4 70184694463 5450248687931 350 25,4 3,4 70184694464 5450248687948 400 20 3,3 70184694691 5450248691518 Segments brasés sous vide pour une coupe à sec des matériaux tendres. Utilisation sur une multitude de matériaux de construction, béton, asphalte, PVC, argile, résines renforcées à la fibre de verre (composites), bois, fonte ductile et métaux... PRO UNIVERSAL DUCTILE Do not use if dam Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-en Wear eye protection Wear protective gloves Refer to instruction manual/b Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grindin Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally- nclosed ma h nes Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 701 Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machin (ISO 70 Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with b ck-up pad Diamètres 600 à 1 200 mm disponibles sur demandes EXTREME CUT’N’GRIND MACHINES Ø (mm) ALÉSAGE SEGMENT H/E (mm) RÉFÉRENCE EAN 13 125 M14 25 / 3,9 70184602036 5450248719182 • Outil multi-fonction pour la coupe et l’ébarbage de matériaux de construction. • La technologie iHD offre une très bonne durée de vie, une coupe plus rapide et un design unique. • Peut s’utiliser pour les mêmes applications que les disques diamants et meules de surfaçage. • Equipé d’une flasque en aluminium en connexion M14 pour la coupe et le meulage. Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally- nclosed ma h nes Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machin (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with b ck-up pad 1 DISQUE : 2 APPLICATIONS : DÉCOUPE ET ÉBARBAGE