www.nortonabrasives.com/fr-fr 47 DISQUES DIAMANT POUR MATÉRIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION À USAGE GÉNÉRAL MACHINES Ø (mm) MEULE HAUTEUR (mm) ALÉSAGE (mm) PCD ÉLÉMENTS RÉFÉRENCE EAN 13 125 18 22,23 12pcs 70184645886 5450248535492 PRO CG-PCD COMFORT • Les disques diamantés en PolyCrystalline (PCD) sont conçus pour l’enlèvement des colles, résines époxy et couches de peinture. • Le système anti-vibrations intégré apporte un meilleur confort lors de l’utilisation. • Utilisez une meule de surfaçage après utilisation de la PCD pour garantir une meilleure finition. H = 18mm Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally- nclosed ma h nes Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machin (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with b ck-up pad MACHINES Ø (mm) MEULE HAUTEUR (mm) ALÉSAGE (mm) PCD ÉLÉMENTS RÉFÉRENCE EAN 13 125 19 22,23 12pcs 70184693445 5450248577317 CLASSIC CG-PCD • Bon rapport qualité/ prix. • Conçus pour un enlèvement rapide des colles, résines époxy et couches de peinture. • Utilisez une meule de surfaçage après utilisation de la PCD pour garantir une meilleure finition. H = 19mm Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machine (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally- nclosed ma h nes Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAMS Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grinding machin (ISO 7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with back-up pad DISQUES DIAMANT MULTI FONCT ONS POUR MEULEUSES D’ANGLE