76 FORETS POUR BÉTON www.youtube.com/NortonAbrasifsFrance FORETS POUR BÉTON * DE / DI : Diamètre Extérieur - Diamètre Intérieur CLASSIC CB E BÉTON SOFT DE / DI* (mm) SEGMENT I / L / H (mm) NOMBRE DE SEGMENTS RÉFÉRENCE EAN 13 52/45 24/3,5/8 5 70184641883 5450248494096 62/55 24/3,5/8 6 70184641885 5450248494119 76/59 24/3,5/8 7 70184641887 5450248494133 86/79 24/3,5/8 8 70184641889 5450248494164 102/95 24/3,5/8 9 70184641891 5450248494188 112/105 24/3,5/8 10 70184641892 5450248494195 127/119 24/4/8 11 70184641893 5450248494201 132/124 24/4/8 11 70184641894 5450248494218 152/144 24/4/8 12 70184641895 5450248494225 162/154 24/4/8 13 70184641896 5450248494232 • Longueur utile: 400mm. • Connexion: 1 ¼” UNC Femelle. • Application: pour le béton, les murs de maçonnerie. • Foret segmenté soudé au laser. Do Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitab Wear Wear p Refer to instr Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTO Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use if dam Do not use for wet grinding (ISO 7010) Only suitable for totally- n Wear eye protection Wear protective gloves Refer to instruction manual/b Wear a mask (ISO 7010) OFFICIAL oSa® PICTOGRAM Only suitable for wet grinding Do not use with hand-held grindin Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Do not use for face grinding (ISO 7010) Only to be used with b ck-up pad