148 / CARBIDE BURRS & WIRE BRUSHES www.youtube.com/FlexovitEMEA Flexovit tungsten carbide burrs are manufactured on state of the art CNC machines to give high consistency and perfect concentricity for low vibration operations. All Flexovit tungsten carbide burrs provide fast stock removal and long life, providing optimum efficiency. With the right choice of fluting style and speed, carbide burrs can be used to cut the most diverse types of material, such as stainless steel, alloy steel, cast iron, titanium alloys, aluminium, brass, copper or plastic. Carbide burrs can be used with both electrically-powered and pneumatically-powered hand-held grinders or CNC machines. Each carbide burr is packed individually in a plastic case. UNDERSTANDING THE PRODUCT DIMENSIONS & DESCRIPTION OF THE BURR 16,0 x 25,0 x 60L65 Cut style & shape D1 L1 D2 + L2 Diameter of the head Length of the head Diameter of the shank and overall Length of the burr (OL) Shape of the head D1 D2 L2 L1 * available as MTO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BURRS FOR STRAIGHT SHAFT MACHINES www.flexovit.com CARBIDE BURRS & WIRE BRUSHES