78 / FINISHING www.youtube.com/NortonAbrasivesEMEA FINISHING BEARTEX NON-WOVEN BearTex is made from abrasive grain bonded to synthetic nylon to provide a pliable, long lasting solution for cleaning, finishing and blending applications on curved or flat surfaces. The open mesh construction does not load with dust and shapes itself to contours for a uniform finish. NON-WOVEN APPLICATION GUIDE • BearTex is made from silicon carbide and aluminium oxide grains bonded to synthetic resins to provide a cushioned, 3D material which is pliable, long lasting and provides an excellent finish without cutting through the undercoat/paint layer • The open mesh construction is both flexible and waterproof, meaning that it will not load, shapes itself to the contours of any surface and is washable and reusable • From cleaning to finishing, BearTex can be used in many body shop applications as it is available in pads, rolls, and discs in very fine to micro fine grades COLOUR GRADE GRIT GENERATED FEATURES APPLICATIONS RED Very fine P320/400 Quick and aggressive cut. Tear-resistant. Cutting back surface inside a brand new part. GREY Ultra fine P600/800 Quick cut, uniform finish. Incredibly flexible, yet tear-resistant. Finishing a primer on sharp edges. Gentle cutting back before flush joint. Can be used with Scuff Gel. GOLD Micro fine P1000 Ideal for pearls and metallics. Cleaning of clear coat or lacquer. Can be used with Scuff Gel. WHITE Non-abrasive - Use on all surfaces. For final cleaning. ROTOLO BEARTEX PRE-CUT ROLLS • Flexible, durable and perfect for use on contoured surfaces or hard to reach areas. Comes in a roll dispenser for easy storage and access to the product • Available in silicon carbide (S) or aluminium oxide (A) COLOUR GRADE DIMENSION ART. NO PK QTY BEARTEX THIN FLEX Red Very fine A 115mm x 10m 77696042073 1 Grey Ultra fine S 115mm x 10m 77696042075 1 BEARTEX STANDARD Red Very fine A 115mm x 10m 77696009598 1 Grey Ultra fine S 115mm x 10m 77696042071 1 Gold Micro fine A 115mm x 10m 66261124481 1 White Non-abrasive 115mm x 10m 66261124480 1 FINISHING