36 ** IHD technology EXTREME BETON SILENCIO Residential areas, city centres, schools and hospitals are especially sensitive to noise, with local regulations preventing excessive noise levels. With up to 17mm high segments and a bespoke specification for each application, Norton Silencio is our quietest diamond blade, reducing noise by up to 20x (-13 dB) compared to conventional blades when used on concrete, reinforced concrete, granite and building materials, while achieving a fast, efficient cut. What makes Silencio different? Winner of 10 innovation and safety awards, Silencio’s patented technology relies on two features: • A noise dampening layer is sandwiched between two sheets of steel which absorbs the cutting vibrations and sound of the product when in use. • Patented ‘off-set gullets’ prevent whistling air flow around the diamond blade. • Each blade is fine-tuned to provide the best possible noise reduction and cutting performance on a particular machine application. MACHINES Ø (mm) BORE (mm) SEGMENT H/W (mm) ITEM NO. EAN 230 22,23 17/2,8 70184601168** 5450248702498 300 20 15/3,2 70184629000 5450248398226 300 25,4 15/3,2 70184642421 5450248498308 350 20 15/3,2 70184647780** 5450248570998 350 25,4 15/3,2 70184628999** 5450248398219 350 25,4 15/3,2 70184628997 5450248398196 400 20 15/3,2 70184694504 5450248688518 400 25,4 15/3,2 70184643510 5450248510604 450 25,4 15/3,2 70184631020 5450248450597 500 25,4 15/3,2 70184630416 5450248440901 A PREMIUM CUTTING SILENT DIAMOND BLADE