TECHNICAL INFORMATION 156 / NORTON WINTER PRECISION TECHNOLOGY TOOL GRINDING 1A1 1A1R 1V1 1A1W 4A2 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 4A9 4BT9 4ET9 6A2 6A9 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 6L2 6V5 9A3 11A2-70º 11V2 11V9 12A2-20º 12C9-20º 12V2 12V9 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 4BT9 14FF1 6V5 14M1 14E1 6L2 14A1 4E1 14F1 14FF1 14M1 GLOSSARY DIRECTION OF ROTATION INDICATOR Resin and metal bond diamond and cBN grinding wheels always show an indicator for the direction of rotation. At the end of the production chain of a multilayer grinding wheel is the profiling and sharpening process. In the sharpening process, a bond tail is formed behind each of the active abrasive grains. This bond tail supports the grain and prevents the grain from untimely fracture. If the wheel is mounted the wrong way round, this bond tail would precede the grains during cutting, which would lead to lower chip-space, increased grinding pressure, and early grain fracture. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the rotational direction shown by the indication arrow or to re-sharpen the grinding wheel before use, if you chose to change the direction of rotation. FEPA The Federation of European Producers of Abrasives (FEPA) is a non-profit European organisation which publishes safety guidelines and standards for conventional and superabrasive (diamond and cBN) grinding tools as well as loose abrasive grain (see grit sizes). It also provides standards for the most common grinding wheel shapes and dimensions. FEPA-SHAPES These drawings show the most important grinding wheel geometries: DRESSING = TRUING + SHARPENING It is necessary to distuinguish between the key wheel preparation steps of truing, sharpening and cleaning of the grinding wheel surface. Dressing describes the processes of truing and sharpening a grinding wheel. When grinding with conventional alumina or silicon carbide wheels, “dressing” is the combined process of truing and sharpening. However, for superabrasive grinding wheels containing either diamond or cBN abrasives in a resin or metal bond, after truing, a separate sharpening step is usually required to remove some of the bond material and expose the grains. In addition, the grinding wheel surface must be cleaned (Dressing + Cleaning = Reconditioning) periodically. The dressing interval depends upon the grinding process parameters being used, and the type of workpiece material being ground. Grinding wheel truing generates the correct geometric shape, develops the necessary concentricity, and also removes any surface contamination. In so doing, worn blunted grains are either removed or resharpened, and fresh grains are exposed. To achieve optimum results, dressing tools, dressing parameters and dressing strategy must be finely tuned to the grinding wheel and grinding process. Therefore, different tools and methods are used, such as either alumina-based or SiC sharpending stones, SiC grinding wheels, the Norton Winter brake-dressing device, CNC rotary dressers, diamond dressing sticks, rotary profile dressers, etc. Our engineers can offer advice to help you chose the best method for your application.