ROUND TOOLS NORTON WINTER PRECISION TECHNOLOGY TOOL GRINDING / 25 µicro + PRECISION FLUTE GRINDING FOR MINI AND MICRO TOOLS As well as innovation in new materials and tool designs, the recent trend towards miniaturisation has become considerably more important. From mini- and micro- down to nano tools, nowadays tools with outer diameters below 0.1 mm are no longer exceptional. The production of these tools demands special grinding wheels with very small and stable edge radii. Resin bonded grinding wheels are competing against metal bonded versions which are considerably slower by comparison (approx. 50 % of the feed rate of resin bonds) but they are characterized by greater edge stability. Metal bonded grinding wheels achieve a dressing interval up to five times longer. The decision whether to use resin bonds or metal bonds is often a matter of personal preference. It is a question of process control whether profile retention with slower feed rates or high output with high feed rates will be cost-effective. The Norton Winter range therefore consists of metal bonds with great edge stability (BZ bonds for diamond and MSS bonds for cBN) as well as resin bonds with perfect edge stability which are marketed under µicro+ brand. The tools of the Norton Winter μicro+ range are grinding wheel systems that have been specifically developed for these requirements, which despite fast feed rates are characterised by their perfect edge stability compared to traditional resin bonds. AREAS OF APPLICATION Classic areas of application are mini and micro drills and end mills for electronics, medical technology and automotive industry. In addition, these grinding wheels can be used for similar metal removal tasks, e.g. burrs. RECOMMENDATIONS DIAMOND Ø 0.05 mm - 0.75 mm D10...D20A µicro+6013 C125 Ø 0.75 mm - 2 mm D20A...D25 µicro+6015 C125 Ø 0.75 mm - 2 mm D20A...D46 BZ480 C125 Ø 2 mm - 4 mm D33...D46 µicro+6065 C125 RECOMMENDATIONS CBN Ø 0.75 mm - 2 mm B15...B35 µicro+6005 V300 Ø 0.75 mm - 2 mm B25...B46 MSS444 V240 Ø 2 mm - 4 mm B39...B64 SP4006T V240 NORTON WINTER μICRO+ CASE STUDIES µicro + GRINDING TOOL D46 μicro+ 6065 C135 A GRINDING MACHINE Kirner K360 COOLANT Oil WORK PIECE Tungsten carbide burr, Ø 6 mm GRINDING PARAMETERS FEED RATE vf = 125 mm/min INFEED ae = ca. 0.4 mm CUTTING SPEED vc = 35 m/s MRR’ Q‘w = 0.83 mm³/mm · s CASE STUDY 1 BENEFITS • Up to 300 % increase in feed rate • Impressive increase in capacity • Huge reduction in costs