Constructing a Sustainable Future #2

19 WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION? With its reduced environmental impact combined with increased circularity, modularity and flexibility, lightweight construction is set to make its mark on our cities. It could speed up the race to decarbonize construction and renovation, and make it easier to meet the growing demand for healthy, sustainable housing. The levers for its development depend on the reality in each country, but some common factors emerge. Above all, lightweight construction needs to be better known by all players in the construction sector, and better understood through the acquisition of the right skills. In addition, there are some obstacles to be overcome, with more incentivebased regulations, better cost control and more accessible LCA (Life-cycle assessment) data. LISTEN to episode 8 of our Constructing NewWor(l)ds podcast on Lightweight construction. Deloitte’s office building in Hyderabad, India. Its glazed facade required 76% less installation time than brick exterior walls.