Constructing a Sustainable Future #2

36 The energy renovation of buildings is THE 21st-century undertaking that will make it possible to achieve the goal of zero net carbon emissions. A key issue at stake in the EU’s Green Deal for 2050, it is a major lever in this initiative, delivering concrete solutions to the challenges of the climate emergency, accelerating innovative solutions, reducing energy consumption, and eradicating insecurity. A CLIMATE PRIORITY The opportunities for energy renovation in the European Union are as vast as the territory of its 27 Member States. At present, more than 97% of the buildings inventoried must be modernized to meet energy‑efficiency criteria. According to the European Parliament, they account for 40% of the EU’s final energy consumption, 36% of its CO2 emissions, and 55% of its electricity consumption. The stakes are enormous. So much so that in 2020 the European Commission defined its “renovation wave strategy”, with a view to doubling the annual renovation rate by 2030. As well as reducing emissions, these renovations will improve the quality of life of those living in and using the buildings and are set to create many additional green jobs in the construction sector. NO TODEMOLITION, YES TO RENOVATION To launch the sustainable mass roll‑out of energy renovation in Europe, several avenues are being explored to launch a massive and sustainable energy renovation program in Europe… On the European continent, support and incentive policies by the European Union and its Member States have accelerated significantly in recent years. Alongside the regulatory aspect, initiatives are being taken to finance renovation, including the additional effort made by the Union as part of What is the purpose of eNERGY RENOVATION? SPoTLIGHT