Constructing a Sustainable Future #2

74 While the major sustainable development policy lines are defined on a governmental scale, local players have room for maneuver in steering the creation and implementation of projects designed tomake their city more sustainable. What action can mayors and drivers of projects on the ground take to make progress on the two fronts of the environment and social issues? How can we ensure that no one is excluded? Here are a few examples around the world of initiatives championed by four sustainability-conscious mayors. In Albuquerque, the largest city in the state of New Mexico with its 565,000 inhabitants, economic prosperity and quality of life act as a magnet attracting an ever-increasing number of new arrivals, although the housing available is limited. This has led to a shortfall that is driving real estate prices skyward: in 2021, the cost of housing thus rose by 20% on average for buyers and renters alike. According to the municipal authorities, Albuquerque has a shortfall of 80,000 houses, including 30,000 for people on a low or modest income. In light of this – in his view, untenable –situation, the Mayor of Albuquerque has launched an initiative called Housing Forward. It comprises a set of complementary actions, such as converting commercial buildings, offices, hotels, or motels into housing with services at affordable prices and creating zoning areas for smaller-sized housing units (known as casitas) with a view to increasing the residential density. Through this combination of measures, Tim Keller has the goal of creating some 5,000 new homes at market price over the next two years. With Housing Forward, he is also aiming to reduce crime by converting spaces that currently attract drug dealers, people traffickers and armed violence into housing. ALBUQUERQUE (United States) Tackling the housing crisis “Creating some 5,000 new houses at market price by converting commercial buildings and offices.” TIM KELLER, Mayor of Albuquerque (United States) PoINT OF VIeW