Constructing a Sustainable Future #2

85 “We knowwhy we need to act, so let’s stop talking and start acting!” “Many organizations are struggling for structure scalable actions (…) By involving these organizations’ members of staff and communities in this questioning, change is much more concrete. Concentrate on action. We know why we must act, so let’s stop talking and take action! The time is short to significantly decarbonize, so take a practical rather than a theoretical approach, not forgetting that sustainable development concerns not only the climate but also biodiversity and social issues.” DR SALLY UREN, Chief Executive of Forum for the Future(1) (1)  Forum for the Future is an international organization created in 1996 in the United Kingdom to promote sustainable development, also present in the United States, India, and Singapore. It works with companies, governments, and civil society to accelerate the transition to a just and regenerative future in which people and the planet can thrive. “The innovations implemented in a project can be replicated on a large scale” “By definition, construction is already a local application. The innovations implemented in a project can be replicated on a large scale. This was the case for the electrification of heavymachinery, which began on an experimental basis in Stockholm (Sweden) before extending to other areas and countries. The analogy of a puzzle is a pertinent one: it is a matter of creating a whole picture by matching each piece.” LENA HÖK, Executive Vice President of Skanska Group DISCOVER the full interview with Dr Sally Uren and Lena Hök in Constructing a sustainable future