Constructing a Sustainable Future #2

09 For every item studied, the results reveal geographical particularities. On the question of which players are perceived as the most legitimate for advancing sustainable construction: architects and building engineers top the list of players most often mentioned with 29% of responses as first intention, closely followed by elected officials (21%) and public institutions (20%). But there are clear differences between countries: •  In Europe, public institutions come second (with 24% of responses judging them “first”). •  Whereas in Canada, the United Kingdom and Vietnam, elected officials come out well ahead (respectively 59%, 67% and 68% of total responses), even before building design professionals. •  On the other hand, in the United States and South America, the role played by private companies seems far more important (respectively 47% and 56% of total responses, i.e. +6 and +15 points compared to the whole sample). AN IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION THAT NEEDS TO ADAPT TO LOCAL REALITIES Which of the following do you think are the most legitimate to advance sustainable construction? First? Architects and building engineers 29% Elected officials(2) 21% Public institutions 20% Private companies in the construction sector 17% Citizens 7% Associations 4% Tradespeople 2% Base: all respondents – Multiple, ranked answers allowed (2) “Government officials” listed for United Arab Emirates respondents