The ‘grit’ refers to the particle size of the abrasive grain. Use of large particles results in a Flexbrite product that
acts more aggressively and produces a coarse surface finish. Two systems are currently in use. Some products
use the actual mesh number of the screen used to grade the particle size. Mesh numbered Flexbrite products
are available in 1000, 600, 320, 240, 220, 180, 150, 120, 100, 80, 60 and 40 grit sizes. Other Flexbrite products
use a ‘simplified’ grading system. These products are available in micro fine, ultra fine, very fine, fine, medium
and coarse, in sequence from smallest to largest particle size.
The following chart provides a comparison between these two grading systems:
In any specific given product shape, only those grits are available which are deemed suitable for the intended
applications of these products.
The ‘density’ refers to the number of fibres which have been compressed on to the nylon web material.
‘Hard’ density wheels cut faster, last longer and produce finer finishes than medium density wheels which offer
greater conformability and less tendency to load the workface. Flexbrite Series 1000, 2000 and 4000 wheels
offer anywhere from 2 to 4 density ranges, thereby providing the maximum in soft to hard density alternatives.
Waterproof resins are used throughout the manufacture of Flexbrite web material to bond the nylon fibres
together and to firmly anchor the abrasive grains throughout the web. A variety of resins are used in order to
obtain different levels of softness (or hardness), toughness and flexibility thereby making different products
suitable for different applications.
Simplified Grading
Mesh Numbers
Micro Fine (MF)
Ultra Fine (UF)
Very Fine (VF)
Fine (F)
Medium (M)
Coarse (C)