To familiarize customers with the biggest advantages of our advanced solutions, Flexovit regularly invites
customers to the dedicated Centre of Excellence in Eibergen, The Netherlands. This technical grinding centrehas
an excellent reputation when it comes to testing cutting and grinding wheels and it has machines at its disposal
which are selected with care for the most occurring grinding situations. All Flexovit cutting- and grinding wheels
from diameter 76 to 406mm can be tested here on grinding performance and on security.
The Centre of Excellence Flexovit also disposes of facilities to give customized trainings. All users and sellers
of our products can be trained by us. Our trainings are based on more than 70 years of experience within
the Saint-Gobain Abrasives group. Participants can put into practice what they learned by doing grinding tests.
Upon demand Flexovit specialists can carry out product tests on location, to find technical solutions for problems.
Motives for a test on location can be; the material/object to be treated, the machine on which the wheels
are mounted or the work situation of the user.